2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC)
10 - 13 December 2019
Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Level 4, Marina Bay Sands Singapore

Final Manuscript Submission (Closed) 

The authors who received the notification of acceptance must submit their final manuscripts following the procedure below before the deadline September 26, 2019. For papers that do not need revision and at the same time their authors choose not publishing them in IEEE Xplore, the authors can decide by themselves whether or not to submit the final version.

Step 1: The final manuscript must be in the same format as the initially submitted paper (for review). Make sure that the manuscript including figures, tables, and references does not exceed the 3-page limit. The final manuscript must be a PDF file with the file size less than 3MB. Embed all fonts in the PDF file.

Step 2: The final manuscript PDF file must be checked by IEEE PDF eXpress before submission to ensure that it is IEEE Xplore-compliant. Please go to https://www.pdf-express.org/ and have your PDF file checked. The Conference ID you need to enter is 46564X. You will receive an email that is attached with a PDF file with a title like PIDXXXXXXX.

Step 3: The received PDF file beginning with “PID” should be submitted to https://edas.info/ to complete the final manuscript submission. For your paper, please click the blue icon as shown in the following screenshot to initialize copyright transfer and file uploading.