The 2nd ICHMM 2019 invites oral abstract presentations & photos submissions. All submissions will be evaluated by the 2nd ICHMM 2019 Scientific Committee. Submissions are encouraged across a wide range of themes of relevance to humanitarian medical missions. Abstract submissions should be made via the 2nd ICHMM 2019 Submission Portal.

All abstracts must be submitted online by 23:59 SGT on Thursday, 31 October 2019 (Final Extension). Please note that the closing date for abstract submission will not be extended. Presenters of accepted abstracts must be registered and paid by the Early Bird Registration Deadline at 23:59 SGT on Thursday, 31 October 2019.

All inquiries regarding abstracts for the 2nd ICHMM 2019 should be emailed to / 


**You need to create a delegate account before you are able to submit the abstract or photo


How to submit the abstract?  Download the guideline


Oral Abstract Submission Categories

Authors will need to select one of the following sub-themes for their abstract submission depending on which is the most applicable.

  • Capacity Building and Resilience in Challenged Communities
  • International Humanitarian Law
  • Preparation for Humanitarian Missions
    • Education Preparation for Humanitarian Medical Missions
    • Humanitarian Global Health Study Programs
    • Competencies in Humanitarian Assistance
  • Beyond Healthcare in Humanitarian Missions
    • Logistic Supply Chain
    • Block Chain Technology
    • Water
    • Sanitation
    • Urban Search and Rescue
  • Complex Humanitarian Emergencies
    • Humanitarian Medical Involvement in Conflict Zones
    • Violence and Security
  • Military in Humanitarian Missions
  • Accountability and Standards in Humanitarian Action
    • Civic-Military Cooperation and Collaboration - an Oxymoronic
  • Donorship and Philantrophy in Humanitarian Assistance
  • International Cooperation and Collaboration in Humanitarian Medical Missions
    • UN OCHA
    • World Health Organisation (Health Care Cluster)
    • Medecins Sans Frontieres
    • International Committee of the Red Cross
    • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • Global Health Initiatives
  • Health Issues and Clinical Entities in Special Population
    • Plastics Reconstruction and Aesthetics
    • Child Health
    • Maternal Health
    • Elderly Care
    • Disabled
    • Primary Care
    • Ophthalmology – Saving Sight
    • Displaced Persons
    • Refugee
    • Mental Health/Trauma
    • Migrant Workers
  • Student/Interns in Action
  • Debate - Hot Topics
    • Charity Begins at Home
    • Controversies in Disaster and Humanitarian Response


Photo Submission Criteria

Photos entries/submission should be in line with the Conference theme: COMPASSION THROUGH UNITY AND ACTION


Presentation Types

Submitted oral abstracts will be allocated by the Scientific Committee as follows:

A spoken presentation, including question and answer time (i.e. 8-minute presentation and up to 2 minutes for Q&A). Presenters will display the research and/or findings of their accepted abstract in a PowerPoint presentation.

Accepted submission will be display at the exhibition area.   An 11x14 print is a standard size.

Presentation Types

  • Only abstracts submitted in English will be reviewed.
  • There will be no limit to the number of abstracts each presenting author or co-author may submit for consideration.
  • Presenting authors are to be the first named author on the abstract.
  • Notification will be emailed only to the presenting author.
  • Abstracts must not exceed 300 words (do not include the title, author(s), co-author(s), institution(s) and affiliation(s) in this page) and should follow the instructions within the abstract submission portal.
  • Commercial presentations are not permitted.
  • There is no fee for submitting an abstract.
  • The abstract should be organised under the following headings:
    • OUTCOME/RESULTS (if applicable)
  • For submissions to be considered for the best oral paper awards, results must be included in the abstract as completed work.
  • Abstracts should not contain any tables or figures. References in the text have to be cited at the end of the abstract and are included in the 300 word count.
  • The use of abbreviations and acronyms should be kept to a minimum.
  • For Photos Submission: All photos must be submitted online and the committee reserved the rights to reject photos deem unfit for publication and public viewing. Photos should be in line with the Conference theme: COMPASSION THROUGH UNITY AND ACTION.
  • Photo submitters should keep in mind and safeguard the dignity, sensitivity, privacy and no infringement of human rights of the subjects portrayed in the photos.
  • Abstracts must be submitted by 23:59 hours SGT, Thursday, 31 October 2019., for consideration by the Committee. Authors will be notified of provisional acceptance of abstracts by Thursday, 31 October 2019.
  • For an abstract to be formally accepted and included in the program, the presenting author must be registered and paid to attend the Conference by 23:59 hours SGT on Thursday, 31 October 2019.

Key Dates and Deadlines

Abstracts open Tuesday, 1 January 2019
Abstract submission closes Thursday, 31 October 2019 (Final Extension)
Authors notified of results Thursday, 07 November 2019
Presenter deadline to register Thursday, 31 October 2019 

General Information

  • Limited references should be used and only if necessary.
  • Should you require changes you can make amendments via the Abstract Submission Portal until  Thursday, 31 October 2019. Please ensure you check your data carefully before submitting as changes or additions will not be accepted after the Call for Abstracts closes.
  • Any initially accepted abstract, for which the presenting author has not paid registration by Thursday, 31 October 2019, will be withdrawn from the program.

Terms and Conditions

The submission of an abstract indicates an understanding of the following rules for participation in 2nd ICHMM 2019:

  • All author(s) approve submitting this work for presentation.
  • The author(s) transfer(s) all copyright ownership of the named abstract to 2nd ICHMM 2019.
  • The author(s) agree(s) to materially confine their presentations to information in the abstract if accepted for presentation. If an author has more than one abstract accepted, each presentation will be materially confined to the information in the abstract selected for the specific session.
  • The presenting author will be available to present the abstract if selected for the program. The presenting author will immediately notify the 2nd ICHMM 2019 Secretariat if they are unable to present an abstract or if the presenting author changes.
  • Submission of the contact details provided are those of the presenter of the abstract. He/she will be notified about the status of the abstract and is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract.
  • Submission of the abstract constitutes consent of all authors of the abstract to publication (e.g, 2nd ICHMM 2019 website, programs, other promotions).
  • All authors of the oral abstract and/or photos submission warrant and represent that they either are the sole owners of, or have all necessary rights to, sublicense all the information and content in the abstract provided to 2nd ICHMM 2019 and its organizers, and that publication of the abstract does not infringe any rights, including but not limited to, intellectual property rights, or of any third parties.
  • All authors of the abstract & photos grant 2nd ICHMM 2019 a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and nonexclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, translate, distribute and display the abstract.
  • All authors of the abstract & photos grant exclusive permission to 2nd ICHMM 2019 to record the audio and video portion, if any, of the abstracts & photo presentation at the Conference and to collect and retain all revenues from all rebroadcasts (including web broadcasts), sales and publications of such recordings.
  • Photo submitters must keep in mind and safeguard the dignity, sensitivity, privacy and no infringement of human rights of the subjects portrayed in the photos.
  • 2nd ICHMM 2019 reserves the right to remove any abstract and photo that does not comply with the above.