
Can We Predict Pulmonary Vascular Obstructive Disease (PVOD) in Patients with Secundum Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Just From 12-Lead Electrocardiogram?
Free Paper Session 3
ACC Asia & SCS 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting
Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging, Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology / Adult Congenital Heart Disease / Cardiac Surgery


Main Author
Jimmy Oi Santoso1
Presenting Author
Jimmy Oi Santoso1
Radityo Prakoso1
Ronaldo Simamora1
Bambang Budi Siswanto1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Cardiology / Universitas Indonesia/National Cardiovascular center Harapan Kita / Indonesia1
To develop a diagnostic criteria of PH and predictor of PVOD from 12-lead ECG to help a cardiologist in the limited area.
Material and Method
This is cross-sectional study of 62 patients (age>18) with secundum ASD without other congenital heart defect undergo RHC in National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita. ECG obtained 24-h prior to RHC with a standard measurement. Predictor for PVOD developed from analysis in Pulmonary Hypertension group in
secundum ASD
We analyzed the ECG and RHC from 32 subjects diagnosed with PH and 30 subjects without PH. We obtained that R in V1+S in V6> 12,5 mm, right axis deviation (RAD), and RV strain has an Area Under of Curve (AUC) of 80,8%, 70,5%, and 85,6% respectively to predict PH. We developed a scoring system and a score of >5 have a sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 84,4%. We also developed predictor for PVOD that predicted by R in V6+S in V6 > 27,5 mm that have sensitivity of 63,6% and specificity of 85,7%.
12-lead ECG can be used to predict PH and PVOD in secundum ASD. It may help cardiologists or general practitioners in rural and isolated area to manage patients with secundum ASD.
Keywords: Secundum ASD, Pulmonary Hypertension, 12-lead ECG, Right heart catheterization, pulmonary obstructuve vascular disease
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