Title Motorised trolleys for transport of dialysis and reverse osmosis machines |
Type Poster Presentation |
Theme 18th Asian Colloquium in Nephrology (18th ACN 2019) |
Topic Quality Improvement Research |
Main Author Li Choo Ng1 |
Presenting Author Li Choo Ng1 |
Co-Author Wen Qian Liang1 Shin Yuh Ang1 Ananthuruthil Lonan Jomon1 Wai Kuen Kam1 Susan Hwee Koon Quek1 |
Department / Institution / Country Speciality Nursing (Renal) / Singapore General Hospital / Singapore1 |
Abstract Content: Introduction, Method, Result, Conclusion Aim(s) Some patients are unable to receive haemodialysis services at the dialysis centre. To provide off-site dialysis services, nurses are required to manoeuvre a dialysis machine which weighs about 73 kg, as well as a reverse osmosis machine with weighs 33 kg. Moreover, these machines are not designed for long distance manoeuvres. To provide a single dialysis session, nurses will need to make four trips to and fro the dialysis centre. Hence, the aim of this project is to design and build a motorised trolley that can transport the two machines at the same time. Methodology A multi-disciplinary team, consisting of members from Nursing Division, Facilities and Management Engineering, Biomechanical Engineering and Workplace Safety was formed. The design focused on: -the osmosis machine being mounted on a motorised trolley -enhancement to wheels of dialysis machines -attachment of motorised trolley to dialysis machine -Steering via a hand lever, which also controls the speed of the trolley. -dual direction steering to allow easy manoeuvre in and out of lifts Result Use of the motorised trolleys helped to:
Conclusion A motorised solution helped to ensure safety during transport of equipment, and lead to enhanced service provision for patients. |