Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Factors associated with health literacy in hepatitis C patients: a cross-sectional study using the Health Literacy Questionnaire - Brazilian version
Poster Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy and clinical healthcare settings (incl primary care)


Main Author
Lorena Costa Francisco Marques1
Presenting Author
Vanessa da Silva Carvalho Vila1
Vanessa da Silva Carvalho Vila1
Katarinne Lima Moraes2
Camila Pedroso Estevam de Souza3
Jinhao Wang3
Virginia Visconde Brasil2
Priscila Valverde Oliveira Vitorino1
Marina Aleixo Diniz Rezende1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Nursing / Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás / Brazil (Brasil)1
Nursing / Universidade Federal de Goiás / Brazil (Brasil)2
Statistical and Actuarial Sciences / University of Western Ontario / Canada3
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)

Background: Chronic hepatitis C infection afflicts millions of people worldwide. Measuring health literacy of these patients allows to assess the challenges capable of impacting health outcome and accessibility to health services. Health literacy is a multidimensional concept that involves the ability to obtain, access, and understand information and basic services necessary for health decision making.

Objective: To investigate core variables associated to health literacy in chronic hepatitis C patients.

Methods: cross-sectional study, conducted with 105 individuals with chronic hepatitis C in a health facility, in Brazil. Data were collected using the Health Literacy Questionnaire - Brazilian version (HLQ-Br). Demographic, clinical variables and knowledge related to hepatitis C were analyzed using descriptive analyses and linear regression using the Akaike information criterion to select variables that best relate to each dimension of health literacy. Goodness of fit was evaluated by adjusted R2 and F test.

Results: Median age of participants was 54 (IQ=48-62) years. Males comprised 58% of the sample, 50% had complete the primary education, and 62% reported multimorbidity. The lowest mean HLQ-Br  scores were related to “having sufficient health information” (2.54, CI: 2.45-2.63), “understanding health information” (3.58, CI: 3.49-3.67). Regression analysis for three dimensions of health literacy resulted in high R2, those are "appraisal of health information” (R2: 0,35), “finding good health information” (R2: 0,32) and “understanding of health information” (R2: 0,48). Independent variables presenting a negative association with HLQ-Br scores were age ("having sufficient information; finding good health information, and understanding health information", p<0,001); treatment ("appraisal of health information”, p<0,001); hypertension ("navigating the health system", p<0,05), "understanding health information", p<0,005) and type of transmission ("understanding health information" p<0,05).

Conclusion: This study provides insights of the health literacy challenges faced by chronic hepatitis C patients. It revealed variables negatively associated with health literacy in terms of their ability to navigate the Brazilian health system, appraising, finding, and understanding health information. It showed the importance of strategies that enhance health providers’ abilities to communicate with chronic hepatitis C patients. These can lead to better  patients’ health outcomes and self-management actions.
Keywords: Health literacy; Measurement; Health Literacy Questionnaire, HLQ; Chronic Disease; Hepatitis C, Chronic
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