Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Health literacy and Health information seeking and COVID-19: a web analysis
Oral Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy and the media


Main Author
Walter De Caro1
Presenting Author
Walter De Caro1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
CNAI / Italian National Nursing Association / Italy (Italia)1
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)

During Covid-19, there were a large use of web social media to comment and spread information from the widest sources. This excess in amount of information circulating make difficult to orientate individuals and communities on a given topic due to the difficulty of identifying reliable sources. Using text mining analysis it is possible to identify what drives public conversation in terms of health information seeking and impact of Covid-19.


Public perception during emergencies is traditionally measured with surveys. However, to have a global sight of the pandemia and importance of comprehension of health information, an analysis on web search, social media and trends topic over time represents a tool which gives a crucial picture of reality. The study aimed to conduct a specific text mining analysis using analytics tools of search engine over time of pandemic connected to health literacy and health information seeking.


During pandemic years, over 10% of health information were identified as misinformation.  Public health specialist and virologists and popular magazine online and  groups represent the most popular sources in comparison to the official government and health agencies.

Text mining using a number of analytics tools as well as a content analysis and network analysis  for demonstrate  that participation on social media can potentially have an effect on building public position in term of social support.


This study confirms that social media and web represent the more important area of development in public health arena. The analysis clearly show that fake news and misinformation are very hight and viral and it’s difficult change the image and the credibility of information. There are necessity of building a different framework in order to study this challenging issue.


Keywords: Covid 19, social media, text mining.
Requires Audio or Video system for Presentation?: No