Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Historical evolution of the concept of health literacy
Oral Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy policy and advocacy


Main Author
Elisabetta Corvo1
Presenting Author
Elisabetta Corvo1
Walter De Caro1 2

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
School of Allied and Public Health Professions / Canterbury Christ Church University / United Kingdom1
CNAI / Italian National Nursing Association / Italy (Italia)2
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)

In recent years the concept of health literacy has gained increasing attention, in the last two years even more due to the pandemic and the need to communicate by the entire health sector with the general public. Since its first appearance in 1974 the concept has undergone a high number of transformations, adaptations and modifications. This research aims to evaluate from an historical, political and social vision what may have been the reasons that led to the evolution of the concept and its definitions. An analysis and appraisal of the evolution of the concept of HL over time was carried out, reviewing the reasons that led to a constant revision of the concept seems timely in the light of the growing interest that is gaining this concept. A appraisal of the a number of basic sources which discussed and defined the concept of health literacy within different context, during these the past 50 years to evaluate the historical-political and social influence of the evolution of the concept. The source analysed ranged from WHO documents, European reports, and research articles focused on discussing new definition of the concept.

The results of the analysis show that the elements that had the greatest weight in the evolution of the concept were eminently social and policy, in particular the evolution of medicine and access to care has changed the concept bringing it to today's definitions.

In the future, the concept will undergo further modifications that will further change its main dimension.

Keywords: concept, health literacy definition, evolution, policy
Requires Audio or Video system for Presentation?: No