Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


A tool to health literacy in MS patients and caregivers
Oral Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy interventions and behavior change


Main Author
Berta Maria Jesus Augusto1
Presenting Author
Liliana Escada Ribeiro1
Isabel Cristina Gonçalves Ribeiro1
Liliana Escada Ribeiro1
Ana Matilde Sousa da Costa Cabral2
project “Percursos na EM: Olhar Pensar e Agir na Esclerose Múltipla”, which was built in association Novartis

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Neurologia / Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra / Portugal1
Consulta Externa / Hospital Beatriz Ângelo / Portugal2
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)

The development of health educational programs and patient self-care allows the growth of health literacy and a conscious decision-making by the patients.

Since MS is a chronic, progressive and disabling disease, the health literacy is a key factor to empower the patients and the family/care-giver, so they can manage the disease and adopt the best behaviors to become independent and improve their QoL.

To build Learning Maps that improve the health literacy among people living with MS (patient or family) and implement the maps in group sessions.

The authors draw the project with a cross-function team, then conducted a bibliographic research followed by brainstorming meeting evolving the team members. By this, the Learning Maps were created together with the support material. Finally, the Maps were tested in different moments, first with nurse students and then in 4 moments with patients with MS.

There is a portfolio of 4 Learning Maps with different subjects – disease management, healthy lifestyle, symptoms management and therapeutical management – each one has a user handbook, activity cards and teaching files with information to help the facilitators.

We gathered different feedbacks. The nurses said things like “They seem light, attractive and interactive, helping to think about the subjects and get knowledge about it”. The patients considered that “it help us to easily share our own experience, to clarify any wrong ideas we have and get more information about MS”, “it encourage the talks around different subjects in an appealing way”, “it makes easier to share our feelings and fears” and “teach us how important it is to be aware of the disease progression”.

All the findings are aligned with the available scientific literature, which points out the benefits of the learning strategies focused on the active participation, reflection and discussion of the young adult, on matters that interest them.

This project already has the International Certificate by the International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses, is ongoing in 7 hospitals.

The Learning Maps are a usefull tool to promote the Health Literacy and in the near future they will be available for digital meetings.

Keywords: health literacy; multiple-sclerosis; learning maps
Requires Audio or Video system for Presentation?: Yes