Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Health Literacy in Schools? A Systematic Review of Health-Related Interventions Aimed at Disadvantaged Adolescents
Poster Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy in adolescence


Main Author
Craig Smith1
Presenting Author
Craig Smith1
Hannah R. Goss1
Johann Issartel1
Sarahjane Belton1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
School of Health and Human Performance / Dublin City University / Ireland1
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)

Socioeconomically disadvantaged populations are at greater risk of adopting unhealthy behaviours and developing chronic diseases. Adolescence has been identified as a crucial life stage to develop lifelong healthy behaviours, with schools often suggested as the ideal environment to foster healthy habits. Health literacy (HL) provides a possible solution to promote such healthy behaviours. The aim of this study was to review school-based HL-related interventions targeting socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents and to identify effective intervention strategies for this population. Searches were performed in six databases. Inclusion criteria included age: 12–16; the implementation of a school-based intervention related to HL aimed at socioeconomically disadvantaged populations; an intervention focused on: physical activity (PA), diet, mental health, substance abuse or sleep. Forty-one articles were included, with the majority focusing on PA and diet (n = 13), PA (n = 9) or mental health (n = 7). Few interventions focused solely on substance abuse (n = 2) or sleep (n = 1), and none targeted or assessed HL as an outcome measure. There was huge heterogeneity in study design, outcomes measures and effectiveness reported. Effective intervention strategies were identified that can be used to guide future interventions, including practical learning activities, peer support and approaches targeting the school environment, the parents or that link the intervention to the community. 

Keywords: health literacy; adolescent; intervention; socioeconomically disadvantaged; school-based
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