Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Women’s participation in decision-making in maternity care: a qualitative exploration of clients’ health literacy skills and needs for support
Oral Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy and sexual & reproductive health


Main Author
Laxsini Murugesu1
Presenting Author
Laxsini Murugesu1
Olga C. Damman1
Marloes E. Derksen1
Daniëlle R.M. Timmermans1
Ank de Jonge3
Ellen M.A. Smets2
Mirjam P. Fransen1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Department of Public and Occupational health / Amsterdam UMC / Netherlands1
Department of Medical Psychology / Amsterdam UMC / Netherlands2
Department of Midwivery Science / Amsterdam UMC / Netherlands3
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)

Shared decision-making requires adequate functional health literacy (HL) skills from clients to understand information, as well as interactive and critical HL skills to obtain, appraise and apply information about available options. This study aimed to explore women’s HL skills and needs for support regarding shared decision-making in maternity care. In-depth interviews were held among women in Dutch maternity care who scored low (n = 10) and high (n = 13) on basic health literacy screening test(s). HL skills and perceived needs for support were identified through thematic analysis. Women appeared to be highly engaged in the decision-making process. They mentioned searching and selecting general information about pregnancy and labor, constructing their preferences based on their own pre-existing knowledge and experiences and by discussions with partners and significant others. However, women with low basic skills and primigravida perceived difficulties in finding reliable information, understanding probabilistic information, constructing preferences based on benefit/harm information and preparing for consultations. Women also emphasized dealing with uncertainties, changing circumstances of pregnancy and labor, and emotions. Maternity care professionals could further support women in participating in important decisions during pregnancy and labor. Guiding them towards reliable and easy to understand information is an important first step. Furthermore, preparing women explicitly for consultations (e.g., agenda setting), supporting them in understanding and discussing benefit/harm information seem important to facilitate participation in decision-making. To support women in coping with uncertainty and changing circumstances, a narrative can be adopted that emphasizes the ability to change preferences over time in advance of labor.

Other Topics Preferences(Maximum of two topics only and please note that the Program Committee reserves the right to decide on the final presentation format.)

Health literacy and health equity

Health literacy and clinical healthcare settings (incl primary care)

Keywords: decision-making; client participation; maternity care; health literacy; needs assessment
Requires Audio or Video system for Presentation?: No