Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


The effectiveness of noncommunicable diseases workshops on knowledge, attitude of participants in Southern Taiwan.
Poster Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy and NCDs


Main Author
Hushiu Chen1
Presenting Author
Hushiu Chen1
Weiming Wu1
Hsinghui Chen1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Department of Nutrition / St. Martin De Porres Hospital / Taiwan (台灣)1
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)

Introduction:According to “Global Burden of Disease Study” in 2017, six of the top ten causes of death in the world are noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and occupy the top three Therefore we organized a series of activities to promote citizen’s health.

Methods: Three NCDs activities with different themes were held in 2019, the themes of the three workshops are related to nutrition for the elderly, nutrition for diabetes, and nutrition for chronic kidney disease, with nutrition support courses, practice and experience related meals. 161 questionnaires were collected. 40 questionnaires about knowledge and attitude aspects, 60 activity satisfaction questionnaires, 61 sensory evaluation questionnaires were evaluated. At the end of all these workshops, dietitians create leaflets related topic on health literacy. All health educators and citizens can use this information for free.

Results:The scores of improvement of knowledge in these 2 workshops was 90%(95-50/50)、31.1%(97-74/74).Positive identification attitude of 2 workshops was 81%、91%. Scores of activity satisfaction surveys of 3 workshops were 98.7%、95.2%、97.9% individually. Scores of sensory evaluation on overall preference score of 3 workshops were 99.2、98.0、96.2 individually.

Conclusions: Most participants like this series of courses very much and are able to apply the learned skills in their daily lives and are willing to share their knowledge with relatives and friends in need.

Keywords: NCDs (non-communicable diseases);workshop;practices
Requires Audio or Video system for Presentation?: No