Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Health Literacy in Africa: Opportunities and challenges
Oral Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy policy and advocacy


Main Author
Guda Alemayehu1
Presenting Author
Guda Alemayehu1
Eshetu Girma1
Bezawit Ketema1
Finina Abebe1
Stefanie Harsch1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
IHLA / African Health Literacy Association / Ethiopia1
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)


Health literacy is an emerging public health initiative. Health literacy is an effective approach in terms of obtaining, processing, negotiating, and making decision on one’s own health and other around. In Africa the concept of health literacy is in its infancy stage. In Africa there are several opportunities and challenges that needs to be identified and taken into consideration while health literacy initiatives are implemented.


In terms of opportunities the health literacy will provide opportunities for African health ministries to promote individual, family and community health seeking behaviors, empowers individual citizens to demand rights and quality services and enables engagement in collective health promotion actions through health literacy lens. Health literacy and health system literacy are a sharp-edged solution in informing individuals, families and communities on available health information and services.

In terms of challenges, the first thing is Africa needs to define health literacy in its context as opposed to developed countries. Through time health literacy has got two dimensions the clinical and the public health care system focused on curative and treatment aspect and specialized hospitals are highly prevalent. The clinical approach often involves a patient–provider interaction and is the focus of much of the health literacy efforts in high income countries. Whereas the public health perspective more importantly implemented in developing countries in community-based platforms and community education opportunities along with health literacy. An illustration for this could be health literacy in developed countries might be symbolized a person with computer who is navigating his/her treatment option to negotiate with his physician whereas in Africa this might be completely different – could be working in - limited basic and functional literacy.


Therefore, analysis of health literacy opportunities and challenges in Africa is essential. This will give deep insights for evidence-based and contextualized interventions.  The health literacy practitioners in the region should come together to brainstorm, discuss, and reach consensus on the future of health literacy in Africa. Simultaneously, making health literacy a priority agenda for health ministers in the region through advocacy & and available platforms is also paramount.



Keywords: Africa, Opportunities, challenges
Requires Audio or Video system for Presentation?: No