Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Using the share decision making in surgical razor selection to prevent surgical-related infections and improve patient safety
Poster Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy and patient safety


Main Author
Presenting Author
YA-FANG Wang1 Liu Chun Lu3
Chen Chia Cheng2
Liu Chun Lu3

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Nursing Department / YA-FANG Wang / Taiwan (台灣)1
Nursing Department / Chen Chia Cheng / Taiwan (台灣)2
Nursing Department / Liu Chun Lu / Taiwan (台灣)3
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)


Reducing health care-related infections is one of the international patient safety goals of the joint commission. Use of an evidence-based, surgical care bundle in patients significantly reduced the risk of surgical site infection. In addition to the health care workers need to collaborate, improve patient and family-related health literacy and encourage joint participation is also an important part, by which to achieve the goal of zero infection in health care-related infections.


This study aimed to create a structural form of surgical shaving razor correlation with surgical site infection, it is used as a pre-surgical health education tool for caregivers to provide patients and their families with access to share decision-making and to improve health literacy of surgical site-related infections, thereby reducing infection rate.


Starting in February 2020, collaborated by the operating room and the ward care team to establish a structural form of surgical shaving razor selection and correlation with surgical site infection. Using the surgical site infection bundles literature based on evidence-base medicine, to guide patients and their families in decision-making when preparing for preoperative care by clinical nurses, and according to evidence-base medical advice and personal preferences to consider the choice of surgery shaving razor type.After the form is established, the head nurse shall educate the caregivers on the instruction of use with a structured form, and after the implementation is carried out, the head nurse observes the actual execution of the caregivers and the acceptance of the patient and the family.


After intervention, the caregivers perform compliance of up to 100% and the surgical site infection rate maintains 0%.


The results of observation after the use of structural forms, not only improve patients and their families for the prevention of surgical-related infections health literacy, but also improve the relationship between medical staff and patients.This model could follow in the future, incorporating the concept of health literacy into more areas of care.

Keywords: share decision making; surgical site infection; patient safety;health care-related infections;surgery shaving razor
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