Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


How different precautionary methods can affect the numbers of death of Corona virus by different countries
Poster Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Improving Health Literacy Using Information Technology


Main Author
Yu-Hui Huang1
Presenting Author
Yu-Hui Huang1 Hui-Hua OU2
Hui-Hua OU2

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Nursing Department / E-DA Hospital / Taiwan (台灣)1
Extension Education / Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages / Taiwan (台灣)2
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)


What a country and it’s Center for Disease Control decides which precautionary methods to take can really determine the numbers of rates in coronavirus infected and death cases.  As the coronavirus outbreak from Wuhan China in December, 2019 while the rest of the world was still having the regular lives except for a few countries took preventive measurement to prepare for the rapidly spread coronavirus

Description of Objectives

Whether a person is African, European, North American or Asian, the coronavirus has no discrimination towards the person as well as the culture, race, or religions, simultaneously it is very contagious. The number of confirmed cases worldwide soared to over 3.4 million up to May 1st 2020.  John Hopkins University had predicted that Taiwan would have the second highest cases of Covid-19 in the world at the very early stage when the virus outbreak in China and since Taiwan is an island which located 81 miles/130 Km from the east coast of China but luckily the predication about Taiwan does NOT become reality.


The pandemic has taken 239,604 lives around the world up to May 1st, 2020 and it hits the USA severely with number one confirmed cases of over 1.1 million and 65,776 deaths, and the second one is Spain of confirmed cases of 242,988 with 24,824 deaths and the third one is Italy of confirmed cases 207,428 with 28,236 deaths, on the other hand, Taiwan has relatively low 429 confirmed cases and only 6 deaths.(All the numbers are at the time of writing)


Taiwan’s rapid response in January and effective measurements has allowed the country to stay open without any lockdown. Precautionary methods can be significantly important such as wearing face masks in the public, rigorous hygiene and keep social distancing, taking temperature by the entrance of the stores, supermarkets or restaurants, furthermore the inbound travelers returning from overseas should complete the Covid-19 health declaration and home quarantine …etc.

Taiwan’s aggressive efforts are paying off in fighting against Covid-19 and as a result only 429 confirmed cases and 6 deaths up to May 1st, 2020 in Taiwan,

Keywords: Corona virus, precautionary methods, Taiwan, pandemic
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