Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Project for improving Hand Hygiene Compliance in Emergency Department's Medical Staff
Poster Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy in professional training and performance (incl Medical / Health Professions Schools, Occupational therapy etc.)


Main Author
Shu-Ching Chen1
Presenting Author
Shu-Ching Chen1
Shih-Hui Chen1
Mei-Ling Shih1
Chih-Yu Liang1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Emergency Department / E-DA CANCER HOSPITAL / Taiwan (台灣)1
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)


According to the strategies and implementation plan proposed by “WHO Guideline on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (2009)”, the accomplishment of hand hygiene practical behavior and improvement of hand hygiene compliance in emergency department's medical staffs can decrease nosocomial infection, resulting in higher quality of medical care and patient safety.


In medical institution, bacteria is often widespread in the environment, which makes infection spread easier through the daily medical care between medical staffs and patients.Various types of bacteria attach on staffs' hands and transfer from one patient to another, which becomes the main reason of nosocomial infection.However, the maintainence of hand hygiene is a relatively easier, more effective, and more efficient method to decrease such phenomenon.Thus, the ensurance of implementation of hand hygiene can also determine the effectiveness of infection control. Once we increase the compliance of hand-washing, we preserve the safety of patients and our staffs as well.We are trying to achieve the goal by applying the PDCA quality improvement model. P(Plan): Analyzing the factors that influence hand hygiene and develop its corresponding measures; D(Do):Conducting the tasks included in the measures; C(Check): To analyze the results and modify it accordingly; A(Act): Evaluating the modification and implement measures to ensure the achievement. By utilizing education, poster with slogan, equipment increasement, and feedback between team members, we can improve the compliance of hand-washing .


The project was implemented since August.After analyzing the monthly internal assessment data from August to October, the compliance of hand-washing was increased from 64% to 94.6%, which was observed on an incremental trend of monthly basis. The sustained effect was also demonstrated throughout the study period.


The concept and implementation of hand hygene project requires team cooperation. We should establish it as a common practice and root in our daily work. By applying the PDCA model, we can improve the compliance of hand-washing. This study also demostrated the change of hand-washing habit can be achieved by adequate education and reminder in medical staffs.It results in higher quality of medical care and patient safety.

Keywords: emergency department; hand
Requires Audio or Video system for Presentation?: No