Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


An exploring study of the senior citizen voluntarily serve to the neighborhood elderly people by their own specialty
Poster Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021


Main Author
yueen-mei deng1
Presenting Author
yueen-mei deng1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
department of healthcare administration / Asia university / Taiwan (台灣)1
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)


There are getting more aging society in the world, and Taiwan is no exception. The proportion of adults age 65+ in Taiwan will be 40% by 2060. To find the best practice for community-based active aging, this study intended to explore the emotional response improvement of the neighborhood elderly by participating the activities of the picture learning and counseling activities designed by the senior citizens voluntarily in the community.


This study invites five elderly participants, two males and three females, aged between 86 and 97. This study applies the picture learning activities, such as image memory, reciting, essay appreciation and drawing appreciation, to explore the neighborhood elderly who participated in the activity. The emotional response is measured by five-point scoring scale by using the senior citizens’ self-designed patterns, essays, and pictures.


The result showed that the emotional response of the elderly has a manifest improvement via descriptive statsitics. It also showed positive effects to the elderly with dementia after picture learning activities provided by the community senior citizens.


The community senior citizens who designed the activities passed a one-year evaluation and none of the elderly subjects are absent. Subjects felt themselves become younger, more energetic, and happy especially. On the other hand, the community senior citizen who designed the activities also felt very fulfilled and happy to interact with the subjects. Therefore, we could encourage senior citizens voluntarily serve the elderly neighborhood, which will benefit whom provide service and whom gain services.
Keywords: positive effects;senior citizens’ self-designed patterns;voluntarily serve
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