Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
03 - 05 October 2021


Teacher dilemmas associated with student health literacy development in the primary school setting.
Oral Presentation Only
Global Health Literacy Summit 2021
Health literacy in schools and educational settings


Main Author
Rosie Nash1
Presenting Author
Rosie Nash1
Shandell Elmer2
Shane Pill4
Vaughan Cruickshank3

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Public Health, College of Health & Medicine / The University of Tasmania / Australia1
Global Health and Equity. Faculty Arts, Health & Design / Swinburne University / Australia2
Education, College of Arts, Law & Education / The University of Tasmania / Australia3
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work / Flinders University / Australia4
Abstract Content (abstracts should be written in Size 11 font, Arial font style)


Health literacy (HL) is an important component of the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum, however teaching HL can be challenging for teachers. Due to concerns around curriculum squeeze, teacher confidence and lack of clarity on who should teach health in the primary school context health and health literacy is often overlooked. Thus, this qualitative study explored the dilemmas teachers experienced when delivering a health literacy teaching program in primary schools.

Description of Objectives/Methods/Intervention

Eighty-four teachers in five primary schools in Tasmania (Australia) participated in the program, called HealthLit4Kids. Teachers participated in professional development workshops. Teacher reflections were collected at the final workshop held at the conclusion of the first year of the program and assessed using Windschitl’s dilemmas to identify recurrent themes raised by the conceptual, pedagogy, cultural and political dilemmas teachers face every day.

Results (effects/impact/changes)

The key dilemmas faced by teachers surrounded the development of a whole-of-school approach, student engagement, professional development and shared language. Each category of Windschitl’s dilemmas is intimately connected to the others in the context of teachers' professional lives, these connections will be illuminated throughout the presentation. The teachers described how the dilemma’s were overcome in their school context, these solutions have portability to other teachers and schools locally, nationally and internationally.

Discussions/Conclusions/Lessons learned

The theory developed out of the themes informs health literacy program design and implementation and provides solutions for their scalability and sustainability. Being cognisant of the teachers’ dilemmas makes it possible to work with our end users to adapt HealthLit4Kids for optimum uptake, impact and success.

Keywords: health literacy, primary schools, constructivist dilemmas, HealthLit4Kids, professional development.
Requires Audio or Video system for Presentation?: Yes