
The Present of Prenatal Bacterial Microbiome in Uterine Cavity
Poster Presentation
Probiotics and Prebiotics: Excellence in Science and Clinical Translation
Translational Microbiome Studies


Main Author
Yang Han1
Presenting Author
Yang Han1
Lihong Zhu2
Fei Luo3
Wenjing Hu3
Yuezhu Wang4
Huajun Zheng4
Xiaokui Guo3
Jinhong Qin3

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Department of microbiology / Guizhou Medical University / China (中国)1
Department of Gynecology / HuaDong Hospital Affiliated to FuDan University / China (中国)2
Department of Microbiology and Immunology / Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine / China (中国)3
Shanghai-MOST Key Laboratory of Health and Disease Genomics / Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai / China (中国)4
Background and Rationale
It was widely thought that during a healthy pregnancy, the fetus developed within a sterile environment. The recent evidence of microbiome in amniotic fluid, utero and placenta suggested that fetal-microbial contact and microbial colonization of the fetal organism possibly began before birth. But the knowledge of the precise timing and origin of maternal intrauterine microbial colonization during pregnancy is still controversy.
Objectives: Indicates the purpose of the study
To reveal if the microbiota presents in uterine cavity that a fetus develops with.
Methodology: Describe pertinent experimental procedures
The microbiome of 10 endometrium, 98 decidual tissues and 64 amniotic fluid were taken from reproductive-age Chinese women. DNA extraction was followed by pyrosequencing V4 region of 16S rDNA gene to evaluate the microbiome present in the environment that fetus develops with. The richness and evenness of microbiome profiles in different groups were assessed by Shannon index and Chao1 index. Microbiome structure was assessed by β-diversity analysis. Viable biomass in amniotic fluid and placenta were assessed by conventional bacterial culture.
Results: Summarize the results of the research
Although the results showed microbiome present in all groups with low abundance, low richness and low diversity, amniotic fluid showed a trend of significant increase in diversity compared with decidual tissues. Analysis of the community structure of endometrium, decidual tissues and amniotic fluid also demonstrated significantly separate clustering of the amniotic fluid from decidual tissues and endometrium.When we cultured samples from amniotic fluid and placenta, 538 out of 1834 placenta samples showed culture positive, whereas all of 50 amniotic fluid samples showed culture negative.
Conclusions: State the main conclusions
Our results suggested that uterine cavity that fetus develops with harbored low abundance and low diversity microbiome. However, amniotic fluid showed a significant increasing diversity of microbiome compared with decidual tissues. Culture-based investigation of amniotic fluid and placenta confirmed the presence of cultivable bacteria in placenta but not in amniotic fluid.
Keywords: uterine cavity microbiome, 16S rDNA gene,
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