
Dolphin Microbiome Probiotics and Environmental Influences
Poster Presentation
Probiotics and Prebiotics: Excellence in Science and Clinical Translation
Translational Microbiome Studies


Main Author
Cesar Cardona1
Presenting Author
Cesar Cardona1
Bill Van Bonn
Simon Lax
Jack Gilbert
Jarrad Hampton-Marcell
Peter Larsen
Brent Stephens
Christian Edwardson

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Biophysical Sciences Graduate Program / The University of Chicago / United States1
Background and Rationale

The relationship between a host and its resident microbiome has been implicated ​ in health, with the microbiota providing benefits to the host through innate immunity,  nutrition and metabolism. However the effects of environmental influences or probiotics added to the diet are not clear understood. 


Objectives: Indicates the purpose of the study

Host-associated microbial dynamics are influenced by dietary and immune factors, but  how exogenous microbial exposure: environmental microbiome or probiotics shape host-microbial dynamics and stability remains poorly characterized. With this study we seek to gain valuable insights into the ecological influence of probiotics and other exogenous microbial exposure, as well as laying the foundation for animal health and improving aquarium management practices. 

Methodology: Describe pertinent experimental procedures
To investigate this phenomenon, we characterized the skin, stool, and  respiratory-associated microbiota in four aquarium-housed dolphins, daily over a period of 6 weeks, including administration of a probiotic during weeks 4-6. The environmental bacterial sources were also characterized, including the animals’ human handlers, the ​ aquarium air and water, and the dolphins’ food supply. 
Results: Summarize the results of the research

Continuous microbial exchange occurred between all sites, yet each environment  maintained a characteristic microbiota. Small changes in water physicochemistry had a  significant but weak correlation with the change in dolphin-associated bacterial richness,  but had no influence on phylogenetic diversity. Food and air microbiota were the richest  and had the largest conditional influence on other microbiota in the absence of  probiotics, but during probiotic administration food alone had the largest influence on the stability of the dolphin microbiota. 

Conclusions: State the main conclusions

Our results suggests that respiratory and gastrointestinal epithelial interaction with air and food-associated microbes has the biggest influence on host-microbial dynamics,  while other interactions, such as skin transmission, played only a minor role. Finally, direct probiotics administration foreign exogenous microbial source can have a profound effect on microbial stability. 

Keywords: dolphin_microbiome, probiotics, host_microbiome, environmental_microbiome, microbial_ecology
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