

The Association between Thyroid Function and Commensal Microbiota

Poster Presentation
Probiotics and Prebiotics: Excellence in Science and Clinical Translation
Development of Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods, Medical Foods, Supplements and Drugs


Main Author
Jinghua Wang1
Presenting Author
narae shin1
narae shin1
AbuZar Ansari1
Yura Choi 1
Hojun Kim1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Department of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine / Dongguk University / Korea, Rep. (대한민국)1
Background and Rationale

Recently the roles of gut microbiota on metabolic disease are widely verified.Thyroid hormones are vital factor regarding regulation of energy homeostasis and metabolic processes. However, the relationship between gut microbiota and thyroid function influenced on host metabolism is rarely investigated.

Objectives: Indicates the purpose of the study

To determine whether and how gut microbiota associated with thyroid function.

Methodology: Describe pertinent experimental procedures

In this study metagenomics analysis was performed through 16S rRNA gene sequencing utilizing hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism rat models which were induced by inducers (T4 and propylthiouracil) or thyroidectomy.

Results: Summarize the results of the research

Our results showed that all the thyroid dysfunction models were definitely established and gut microbiota composition was obviously different according to the different thyroid functional status. These alterations may be used to hunt a potential mechanism(s) for regulating thyroid hormone metabolism. Besides, the abundance of S24_7, Prevotella and Prevotellaceae were evidently affected in hypothyroidism status and especially, Prevotellaceae was intensely correlated with thyroid hormone variation.

Conclusions: State the main conclusions

We demonstrated that the interaction of thyroid hormones and gut microbiota did exist and it suppose that modulation of those bacteria may improves thyroid function. Moreover, this is a new perspective study concerning relationship between thyroid dysfunction and gut microbiota using NGS-based microbial sequencing technology.

Keywords: Thyroid dysfunction; Thyroidectomy; Propylthiouracil; Gut microbiota; Metagenomics
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