

Compromised Gut Microbiota At Birth

Poster Presentation
Probiotics and Prebiotics: Excellence in Science and Clinical Translation
Translational Microbiome Studies


Main Author
Wei Wei Thwe Khine1 7
Presenting Author
Wei Wei Thwe Khine1 7
Christophe Lay2 3
Claudia Chi4
Mahesh Choolani4
Jan Knol5 6
Seppo Salminen7
Yuan Kun Lee1

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Microbiology and Immunology / National University of Singapore / Singapore1
Research and Innovation / Danone Nutricia Research / Singapore2
Paediatrics / National University Hospital / Singapore3
Obstetrics and Gynaecology / National University Hospital / Singapore4
Research and Innovation / Danone Nutricia Research / Netherlands5
Wageningen University / Wageningen University / Netherlands6
Food Development, Functional Foods Forum, Faculty of Medicine / University of Turku / Finland (Suomi)7
Background and Rationale

Background and Rationale:

A compromised gut microbiota in early life has been associated with the development of immune and metabolic disorders.

Objectives: Indicates the purpose of the study


The objective of this study was to determine the effect of mode of delivery and intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) on the maturation of the infant gut microbiota.

Methodology: Describe pertinent experimental procedures


Three groups of healthy term-born infants were recruited from the National University Hospital (Singapore): (1) Infants born vaginally (VD, n=21); (2) Infants born vaginally whose mothers received IAP (IAP, n=22); and (3) Infants born by C-section (CS, n=25).

Stool samples (n=246 samples) were collected at birth, day 7 and, 1 and 3 months. The composition of the gut microbiota was determined by 16S rRNA sequencing.


Results: Summarize the results of the research


A delayed colonization by Bifidobacterium was observed in IAP and CS but not in VD born infants. This was statistically significant at day 7 (VD vs IAP, p=0.020; VD vs CS, p=0.003) and 1 month (VD vs IAP, p=0.003; VD vs CS, p=0.015). In contrast to infants born vaginally (with and without IAP exposure), CS born infants featured a delayed colonization by Bacteroides from day 7 (CS vs VD, p<0.0001; CS vs IAP, p=0.007) till 3 months (CS vs VD, p=0.003; CS vs IAP, p=0.007). The relative abundance of Enterobacteriaceae was higher in IAP and CS compared to VD born infants at day 7 (IAP vs VD, p=0.007 and CS vs VD, p=0.037) and 1 month (IAP vs VD, p=0.031 and CS vs VD, p=0.049). A negative correlation between Bifidobacterium and Enterobacteriaceae was observed at day 7 and 1 month. The species diversity was higher in VD compared to IAP and CS at day 7 (p=0.007 and p=0.001).

Conclusions: State the main conclusions


Intrapartum Antibiotic Prophylaxis and C-section impair the early microbial colonization and this may represent a risk factor for the development of immune/ metabolic disorders.


Keywords: Microbiome, Gut Microbiota, Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis, Cesarean section Delivery
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