

Accession of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium Upon Synbiotic and Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) Supplementation in the Pre Hypertensive Type 2 Diabetes Subjects Residing in North East India

Poster Presentation
Probiotics and Prebiotics: Excellence in Science and Clinical Translation
Probiotic and Prebiotic Clinical Research, From Newborns to Elderly


Main Author
Presenting Author

Authors' Institution

Department / Institution / Country
Food and Nutrition / Maharaja Sayajirao University / India1
Background and Rationale
Background and rationale: Non-communicable diseases have gripped the world by its rising prevalence and being a global public health crisis it threatens the economies, particularly developing countries. The cost of management of type 2 diabetes is high and thus newer alternate approaches are being explored.
Objectives: Indicates the purpose of the study

Objective: The study was undertaken to assess the effect of synbiotic and FOS supplementation on glycemia, gut health and Short chain fatty acid (SCFA) levels in pre hypertensive type 2 diabetic adults.

Methodology: Describe pertinent experimental procedures

Methods: A total of 60 pre hypertensive adults with type II NIDDM aged 35-55yrs were enrolled purposively. The experimental group I and II were supplemented with 1gm of freeze dried synbiotic and 10ml of liquid FOS respectively were taken daily along with meals, for 45 days. Glycemic and SCFA parameters were determined using enzymatic method and Gas chromatography mass spectrophotometer (GCMS) respectively. DNA was isolated from the stool samples and was quantified using PCR techniques. 

Results: Summarize the results of the research

Results: Intervention with synbiotic resulted in a significant reduction in the FBS, PP2BS and HbA1c by 3.3%, 6.7% and 14% respectively and FOS elicited a significant reduction by 6.3%, 9.8% and 10.6% respectively. Synbiotic and FOS improved gut health significantly by increased colonization of Bifidobacteria by 131.6% and 29.7% respectively and LAB by 32.6% and 77.6% respectively and a significant reduction in enteric pathogens by 49.6% and 44.6 respectively. Synbiotic and FOS resulted in a significant increase in fecal butyrate levels by 547.4% and 661.9% respectively and a significant increase in fecal propionate levels by 310% and 525% respectively. 

Conclusions: State the main conclusions

Conclusion: Daily supplementation of 1 g freeze dried synbiotic and 10ml FOS for 45 days is an enticing therapy on improved glycemic control and colonization of beneficial gut microbiota.

Keywords: Keywords: Pre-hypertension; Type II NIDDM; Gut health; Sybiotic; FOS.
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